
Archive for December, 2012

Timothy Geithner: The Worst Treasury Secretary Ever

December 3, 2012 Leave a comment

Timothy Geithner

Timothy Geithner

More business have not started up over the last 2 years than in any time in history, why? Well I can say it has been the government and president that have not lead this country like we need. The stock market has went down hill, heavy regulations stifle growth, and business have lost all confidence in Washington. . Timothy Geithner, has been awful as Treasury Secretary and even owes back taxes, that is the type of leadership we are under now in this administration, not a very good example. Obama is in permanent campaign mode, and Congress is stuck in constant confabs.

While in the past you could get a loan if you had a heart beat, those days are long gone now. Now you have to have great credit just to have a chance to get turned done. Banks want to loan you cash but have been hampered by congress with so many new laws they are struggling to make a simple loan. After all banks can’t make money unless they loan out cash, that is how our system has been designed. We live on a credit based system, therefore when you stop the flow of money the whole system will collapse. But we have a way around that and we need you help. In fact the more we help you the more we help our self’s.

So how can you get a business loan? Is it harder than a personal loan? Not really, in fact getting a business loan may be easier than a personal loan now, but you will have to have some skin in the game. If you have a 401K worth over 35K you are almost guaranteed to qualify for a business loan, or if you have a credit score over 650 on your personal credit you will most likely qualify as well.

Why get a business going? I don’t know anyone that doesn’t want to have their own business, you have job security since nobody can fire you. You get all the write offs that are legally deductible. You also turn into a productive member of society, since you are building America in the privet sector. The main reason is to make money, and a lot of it. Your main goal is to make as much money as you can, be a rich and wealthy as possible. That is why you are in business for yourself.

So yes, you can get a loan for you business and we are here to help you out, we want you to make money. When you succeed we all succeed, a rising tide will lift all boats. We have to depend on each other to make it work, so we want you to make cash and get rich. Let us help you get that loan and start making money.

Click on the link here or go to our home page and lick on the money picture to fill out a quick form to find out if you qualify within 24 hours.

December 1, 2012 Leave a comment

The GOP may have lost the election but that does not mean you have to compromise on your values. Join the fight…Don’t CAVE GOP..


The GOP needs to stand their ground, refuse to accept compromise and JUMP OFF THE FISCAL CLIFF.

AS Obama has been telling people the republicans are strangling the American people they are trying to force the GOP to accept their proposals no matter how bad they are to this economy. It has become apparent to some people that have not paid attention that Obama wants us to fall off the cliff, he has no intention to get the economy back on track. He has not done anything for business expect run them into bankruptcy, fire more people and shut down this economy. All we hear about is how the rich have to pay more in taxes, even though most reasonable economist will tell you higher taxes will NOT help.

Now Timothy Geithner, Treasury Secretary, wants to raise the debt ceiling without limits and do not have to account to…

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